Monday, 22 November 2010

3D Lamp Animation

 This shows the table that will be used for the bookshelf. I created this by simply creating a cube, resizing it and adding faces on either edge of the cube. I then entered face mode and extruded the 4 faces downwards, to create the legs.

 This image shows the bookshelf. I extruded out a big portion of the table, and added 2 faces into the new cube, which I then extruded inwards to create a shelf. I then made a book by simply creating another cube and extruding it to look similar to a book, and duplicated it many times for the busy bookshelf effect.

 This image shows the wardrobe I created, which will be used at the start of the animation. I made this by creating a cube, resizing it and creating 3 faces on the front of the cube. I then extruded these faces outwards slightly, to create the draws effect. I then created a sphere and resized it, placed it in one of the draws and duplicated it 5 times, for the draw handle effect. The lamo sitting on top of the wardrobe is not mine, I imported it into my document as it is needed for the animation.

 This image shows a simple design of a table, and the beginning of a plant pot. I created this table the same way I created my other table for the bookshelf, by creating the cube, rezising it and creating 4 faces on the edges, then extruding those edges for the legs. The plant pot is so far just a simple cylinder, placed on the table to help picture how it would look when the plant has been completed. I might swap the plant idea for another object at the end of the animation, my mind isnt set yet.

This shows the kids room so far, witht he wardrobe, lamp, bookshelf and table. I am missing the office chair, which will be inbetween the bookshelf and the table. I am also missing the floor, walls and roof of the room, which I will add into the document later on.

This image shows the light socket that is used in the animation. Here I have extruded 2 of the 3 faces needed for the socket effect. I then delete the front face, revealling the extruded face. 

 This image shows the finished design of the light socket.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Ball Animation

This is a video of the ball animation that I created during the lecture a few weeks ago.

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Maya NURBS Modelling

This image shows the curve that I made prior to creating an egg cup.

This image shows the finished eggcup.

This image shows the EggHead that I created. Here I learnt basic sculpting techniques including the nose, mouth, lips and eyes. 

This image shows both the eggcup and the EggHead together. I simply imported the eggcup into the same scene as the EggHead and moved the EggHead into the eggcup.

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Reading Week Schedule

Monday - Continue with NURBS modeling if not completed. Begin Subdivision surfaces.
Tuesday - Work through subdivision surfaces.
Wednesday - Complete subdivision surfaces, work through animation and character setup tutorials.
Thursday - Continue with character setup (animation should be done). Finish it by friday.
Friday - Work on animation sketch, then attempt to create and animate a lamp. If successful, add background.

This is my weekly schedule for the coming reading week. I wil try to keep to this schedule as much as possible, and should be ready to animate the lamp after reading week.

Monday, 11 October 2010

Maya 2011 Tutorials

This is my current progress within the maya 2011 tutorials. I have learnt a few techniques while creating the shrine.
 This is my helmet that I am currently creating using the 'Polygon Modeling' section of the tutorial. I am currently trying to use the Extrude feature properly, and may restart the helmet model until I fully understand what is going on.

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Maya - 3D Design/Animation

I have been working my way through the video tutorials for maya 2011 over the past few days, and will be creating some vehicles shortly.